A person passing a number of shops on either side of the street, with the bombed out church at the end of the street.

Bold Street

Bold Street is a street which is best known for its many cafes and for the iconic St Luke’s Church which is situated at the top end and more commonly known as The Bombed out Church.

The bottom end of Bold Street leads into the area surrounding Clayton Square, which forms part of the main retail district in the city centre.

So if you’re meeting with friends or simply fancy a coffee then why not sample one of the many cafes including LEAF, Bold Street Coffee and Soul Café. Or if you’re after an evening out then why not try one of the many restaurants including Mowgli and The Italian Club.

Bold Street is conveniently located within close proximity of Liverpool Central, with a side entrance leading to the station itself.

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Nearest station: Liverpool Central

Liverpool Central is a short walk away from Bold Street, for Northern and Wirral line services.

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